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ISNN Gives Back

The colorful images of Jamaica presented in travel brochures don’t tell the whole story. As in most countries, beautiful, affluent places do exist. But in many other areas of Jamaica, poverty is the norm. In impoverished communities where traditional veterinary services are often unavailable, starving dogs and cats give birth to litters of offspring that cannot be fed. Illnesses and injuries go untreated, and the pain of these pets adds to the suffering of their owners. Pets suffer from poverty the same way their owners do. Without the means to provide proper care, pets can be vulnerable to disease, malnutrition, neglect, and abandonment. Dogs and cats in developing countries are particularly likely to suffer from neglect and poor health. The majority of owned and stray dogs in Jamaica are community dogs; living within an established territory; roaming the streets in search of food, living on the edge of starvation; suffering from skin and intestinal parasites, untreated wounds and maggot infestations; their lives shortened by injuries from cars (often intentional) or other acts of cruelty; as well as from disease and starvation. Their plight is largely ignored by the public as these animals are perceived as ‘mongrels’, the lowest of the low, and undeserving of the care and compassion they desperately need.

Who We Are

ISNN is an all-volunteer, US registered, charity organization, working in collaboration with the Jamaica Veterinary Medical Association and the Ministry of Agriculture – Veterinary Services Division to improve the lives of Jamaica’s companion animals and people through veterinary medicine and humane education. ISNN’s goal is to establish a comprehensive, cost effective, socially responsible and humane solution to the overpopulation of companion animals on the island of Jamaica through sterilization and education. Our aim is to prevent animal suffering due to starvation, disease, and other health problems associated with pet overpopulation, recognizing also that overpopulation of animals also contributes directly to human disease.

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ISNN, working in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries – Veterinary Services Division and the Jamaica Veterinary Medical Association, conducted its first 'Community Spay Clinic” in December 2008.

For the past several years, ISNN has been conducting several ‘Community Spay Clinics’ per year to select communities with repeat visits each year in an effort to make an impact on the population of street dogs in those communities. Our large clinic runs for three consecutive days with a goal of spaying 300 dogs/cats from low-income communities. Our smaller sponsored clinics either run throughout the year or periodically as the community is able.  



ISNN works with hotels and attraction owners to solve the problem of feral cat populations and the human health risks they pose. Cats tend to be attracted to these areas due to the ready availability of food and water. The control of cats has traditionally been neither humane nor environmentally sound. Our goal is to educate hoteliers and attraction owners on how to manage their feral cat colonies. This is done through TNR programs and cat cafe's on the perimeter of resorts/properties.  



ISNN volunteers visit schools throughout Jamaica to teach children of all ages the importance of population control of companion animals. These workshops also include education about caring for their pets, what is animal abuse, how we can help animals, and instilling care and compassion

for all living beings.

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Contact Us

14790 SW 88th St unit 866, Miami, FL 33196, USA

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